After facing a pavlova with a twist, tricky sticky toffee puddings and an intricate joconde imprimé dessert during Dessert Week, it was Maggie’s time to say pud-bye to the Tent.
‘For the first challenge I think my pavlova was a bit basic, and then in the Technical it got worse as I forgot to put the flour in the sticky toffee puddings, and they melted when I took them out of the oven. On the Showstopper I had to start that again from scratch as it had gone very wrong. The judges did say it tasted lovely, but I think they were just being kind. I pretty much knew my Bake Off time was up, but I was happy to go.
‘I like to live dangerously, I have got a great sense of adventure, and when life is a bit on the edge I find that very exciting. Being in the Bake Off tent meant sometimes I was hanging off the edge a bit too much, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I didn’t think at the age of 70 I would be doing something like this, but I thoroughly recommend it to anyone of a similar age. I have achieved a lot in my life but I think this is one of the unforgettable experiences that I will always treasure.
‘The funniest moments had to be the expressions on Paul’s face! He would walk in to judge the technicals and his look at times was of slight despair as he thought “surely they can make a bread stick”!
‘Paul kept teasing me in the first episode of my likeness to Prue, I have never seen that myself but it was very funny and I did get to wear her bright pink glasses at one stage, when Paul put them on me.
‘I was completely taken with Noel, what we did have in common was a sense of fun and humour. He is an incredibly kind man, and Matt was the same, always trying to bring out the best in the bakers.
‘My family have loved watching Bake Off especially the little ones who get very excited seeing all the coverage. It’s been a rewarding experience for me to see the fun they have had with it. Another Bake Off bonus for me has been the company of the other bakers, we are all such great friends.
‘The future for me in baking is to get better. I have discovered I love patisserie, I love it. I will take away from the tent an experience that I will never ever forget in so many ways. And I will keep practising- I will get better. Thank you to Bake Off for giving that to me.’
Maggie will join Jo Brand and Tom Allen on The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice on Friday 15th October on Channel 4 at 8.00pm.