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Q&A: Marie

Marie reveals her Bake Off hero…

What first inspired you to bake?

I was inspired to bake whilst living in Paris. I couldn’t believe the amazing cakes, pastries and bread in the patisserie shop windows. I enjoyed eating them and also trying to bake them.

What has been your biggest baking disaster?

I think my worst baking disaster was when I made my granddaughter’s christening cake. I had made the pink carousel that turned around and played music. Unfortunately it didn’t survive the 30 mile car journey to the venue. It totally collapsed!

And your baking triumph ever?
I recently made a large Star Wars robot cake for my son’s 40th birthday. It was enormous! He was thrilled with the cake and I really enjoyed the challenge.

How does the presence of Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry affect your nerves in the kitchen?

I adore both Mary and Paul but as much as I am in awe of them both, I am a bit nervous in their company.

Which past Bake Off contestants have impressed you and why?

My bake off hero is James Morton. I know how difficult it is to perfect bread and I think he has an amazing flair and natural ability to bake bread as well as Mr Hollywood.

What is your biggest fear in the kitchen?

My oven breaking down. No baking!

Quick questions…

Tea or coffee? Tea
White or brown? Brown bread
Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
Paul or Mary? Mary of course!