Take snack-time to the next level with a delicious cheese and yeast extract sauce stuffed inside a tower of crumpets. Liam’s chosen mouse shapes for this, but you could use any shape rings you like, just make sure that they are metal and you grease them well!

Liam Charles
Junior Bake Off
- Ingredients
- Method
Step 1
To make the crumpet batter, mix the sugar, yeast, flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt together in a large bowl.
Step 2
Warm the milk, then add the yeast extract, whisking until it melts.
Step 3
Make a well in the centre of the flour and sugar mixture, then pour warmed milk and yeast extract into it. Whisk from the middle slowly incorporating flour from the outside until completely combined. Cover and set aside for 20 minutes.
Step 4
To make the cheese sauce, grate the Red Leicester into a bowl. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add in the flour and cook for 1-2 minutes, whisking all the time. Pour in the evaporated milk and whisk. Add the two cheeses and continue to cook until the sauce is the consistency of double cream. Season with salt and pepper, then cover and set aside.
Step 5
To cook the crumpets, grease two crumpet rings very well, then add to a large, greased frying pan set over a medium heat.
Step 6
Place one dessert spoon of crumpet batter into the middle of each ring and gently ease it to the edges. Leave to cook until bubbles begin to form on the top, approximately 5 minutes. Remove the rings using the tongs and flip the crum-pets over.
Step 7
Cook the top for a further 1-2 minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside to cool.
Step 8
Repeat until you have 4 crum-pets.
Step 9
Use the small round cutter to cut a hole in the centre of two of the crumpets, but leave the remaining two whole.
Step 10
Assemble a stack. Place one whole crum-pet on the serving plate, followed by the two crumpets with holes. Pour in the cheese sauce and top with the remaining crumpet.