Ravneet Gill’s Hot Cross Bunnies

Ravneet Gill’s Hot Cross Bunnies

Ravneet Gill
Ravneet Gill

Junior Bake Off

Ravneet’s hot cross bunnies are made from a light and fluffy dough flavoured with chocolate and mixed spice. Perfectly shaped with long ears to complete the angry rabbit look, they are served with freshly churned spice butter.

Serves: 6 hot cross bunnies
Difficulty: Easy
Hands-On Time: 20 mins
Baking Time: 20 mins
  • Ingredients
  • Method
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Step 1
Preheat oven to 210°C/190°C fan/410°F/Gas 7.

Step 2
For the butter, in a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, add the cream, mixed spice and orange zest. Whisk on full speed until the cream splits and the liquid separates from the fat.

Step 3
Pour the mixture into a muslin lined sieve set over a jug. Squeeze the cloth, twisting tightly, to remove as much liquid as possible from the butter, ensuring you save the liquid. You should have approx.100g of buttermilk.

Step 4
Form the butter into a log, using parchment paper to secure it, then set aside in the fridge.

Step 5
For the hot cross bunnies, mix the flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon, mixed spice, orange zest and dark brown sugar in a large bowl. Add the mixed peel and mix to combine.

Step 6
Add the Greek yoghurt to the buttermilk to create 150g of mixture.

Step 7
Pour the buttermilk and yoghurt mixture into the dry ingredients and mix to form a soft, sticky dough.

Step 8
Turn the dough onto a lightly floured work surface, then knead very lightly until just smooth. Don’t be tempted to over handle the dough or it’ll become tough. Divide evenly into six balls.

Step 9
Shape each ball into a flat tear drop shape, about 2cm in thickness.

Step 10
With scissors, snip the pointed end of the teardrop to form two ears. Place on a lined baking sheet, teasing the ears apart slightly. Continue with the rest of the balls, placing them next to each other on the baking sheet, until you have 6 bunny shapes.

Step 11
For the face, mix the plain flour and water together to form a pipeable paste. Transfer to a small piping bag and snip a very small hole at the end.

Step 12
Pipe ears, eyes and noses onto the bunny shaped pieces of dough, then add eyebrows to make the bunnies look cross. Stick currants on the paste for the eyes

Step 13
Bake for 20 minutes.

Step 14
Once baked, remove from the oven and using a small pastry brush glaze with a little apricot jam before setting aside to cool.

Step 15
Serve with discs of the spiced butter.